The Lazy Young Man and His Treasure

Once upon a time, there was a young man living in a wealth of inheritance from his parents. Life-studded treasures make him a very lazy young man. Everyday work just sleeps and wastes treasures to fulfill all of his pleasures. This attitude grew even worse when a fortune teller told him that he would live in wealth all his life.

Seeing this chaotic pattern of life, people around him often advised him to change his behavior. They suggest that he should open a business. Because as much as any property he has one when it will surely run out.

But with pride he said that he might not fall into poverty even though he never worked. The amount of money is enough to do everything you can to die.

One day the thief smashed his house. They carry a myriad of jewelry from the house of this lazy young man. How angry the young man was when he found out that his property was being thrown by a thief. But he was not worried. After all, his wealth is still abundant. He remained with his pattern of life, lazy and wise.

But what a pity, a week later he was lazy again. The next and the following week, he continued to be lazy. The treasure is now being looted by thieves. However, this young man was not worried. He was convinced of the fortune teller that his life would be rich. He remains lazy and spree.

Because he has no more assets, he lives from debt everyday. In fact he promised to return the money he borrowed twice. He is very confident that he will be rich throughout life. He believes, good fortune will always side with him.

But in reality, the more fate is getting worse. He is really poor. Ironically, now no one trusts him to give loans. Now he became loose, his body was emaciated. However, he still did not want to work and he was sure that he was destined to be rich.

One day, while he was lying on the side of the road, someone approached him. "Hey young man, you feel sorry for you, let's come with me to carry this garbage. Later you will be paid for eating and meeting your needs. "

But what was the young man's response? Instead of thanking him, he instead rebuked, "O useless parents, go away from before me! I'm not willing to work on garbage. You need to know, I am destined to be rich! "

The next day, there was a monk approaching, "Young man, it's good that you help me sweep dry leaves in the temple grounds, rather than just sleeping like this. I'll give you food every day. "The young man replied," Hi, useless monk, I am destined to be rich for life. Go!"

The more the day the young man was getting worse. But he still stubbornly refused to work and was convinced that he was a man who was destined to be rich throughout his life. This young man fell ill. The more severe the day and finally he died. Ironically, in the afterlife there he was put into hell. As soon as he was called in, he protested to God.

"Hi, God, according to the fortune teller I was destined to be a rich man for life, how could I die of starvation?"

Even if you follow him and work for him, later you will find a wealthy businessman who will invite you to do business and from there you will become a rich person. Then you also reject the next opportunity.

When a monk invites you to work to help him again you reject him. Even if you obey, when you sweep the temple, you will find treasure that will make you rich. "

The young man fell silent with regret. []

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