5 Tips If You Can Not Answer Interview Questions.

The smooth running of an interview can be one of the determining factors whether you will be accepted at the job or not, so this stage becomes a fairly important stage in the recruitment process.

Therefore, it is very important for you to go through this process well. Of course before going through this process, you will feel very curious about what interview questions you will receive.

Like the interview in general, you will be faced with various kinds of interview questions that can assess whether you are the person who has been sought by the company. However, what if you receive an unexpected interview question? Here are 5 Tips If You Can Not Answer Interview Questions.

Do Not Panic

5 tips if you can not answer interview questions.
You can start your interview preparation by studying the basic interview questions that are often asked in many interviews. Control these questions and train yourself to answer the interview question well.

However, if during an interview you panic because you cannot answer the interview question , try not to show that panic to your interviewer . When you panic, maybe you will look more sweaty and stammered when talking. Stay calm, so that the interviewer can see that you have prepared well this interview . Have a gesture that remains assertive and calm so you look to master the interview .

Keep Calm When Answering Interview Questions

5 tips if you can not answer interview questions.
One way that can help you stay calm is to regulate your breath well. Try breathing with a slow and steady rhythm. The flow of oxygen that regularly moves to your brain will help you to think more clearly about how you should respond to interview questions that might come to your mind.

When you have peace in yourself, you show that you master all the interview questions and master the entire process that you have to go through. However, there is nothing wrong also to acknowledge the feeling that disturbs your mind. If you really feel nervous, or do not understand the interview question given, then you can immediately tell the interviewer that you feel. In this way, you show that you are someone who wants to be open and share, honest, and a way to break the mood.

Get more time to think

5 tips if you can not answer interview questions.
Many people say time cannot be bought. How do you respond if you know that the time you have to answer the interview question given to you, can you buy?

Interviewers will ask interview questions that might be unexpected. That interview question is what you can use to buy time. For example, when interviewing asks how you deal with the conflict in the team. You can clarify the interview question by asking, for example, the conflict as expected by the interviewer, or whether the conflict must be in one division or interdepartmental team. All clarification questions that you submit can give you more time to think.

Don't be Shy About Telling Your Experience

5 tips if you can not answer interview questions.

Always good to share, even to your interviewer. The interview question you get might be related to your CV. However, unexpected interview questions will usually talk about your experience. That's when you can share your experience dealing with different divisions, facing clients, or others.

Often because you want to find experience, you apply in a position that you might actually be less exposed to what's happening inside. Make sure in this case you have learned the ins and outs of your position well.

For example, you will apply for a marketing position, but your background is in the financial field. You will certainly face interview questions about the reason you choose the position and field as your job. There will be a good answer structure that you can use. Talk in advance what you know and learn from the field you will take, share your experience and what contribution you can make to the marketing division with a financial background.

Be Open About What Happened and Tell The Truth

5 tips if you can not answer interview questions.

Just like sharing experiences, share your feelings during the interview process. You might feel nervous during a walking interview , or maybe because you received an interview question that you didn't expect you would get.

With this, you dilute the tension that occurs in the interview room. I will see that you are an open person and certainly want the best as a result of this interview .

In the end, careful preparation will certainly produce good results too, so it's good that in any chance of an interview, you always prepare yourself well. Learn things you need to know to undergo your review process.

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