5 Tips for Getting a Positive First Impression

Getting a Positive First Impression

First impressions or judging someone at the first meeting are often called unfair. The reason is because it is impossible to know the character or nature of a person in one meeting.

The opinion above may have a point, but it's a different story if you have entered the professional realm. The first meeting will be the moment that determines the continuation of the interview process. According to some studies, it only takes 5-10 seconds for someone to catch first impressions of the new interlocutors.

The Harvard Business School social psychologist, Amy Cuddy also gave information about the first impression that was reported by Forbes. According to Cuddy, there are 2 things that can be obtained from a first impression:
  • How competent and strong is the person (whether it's character or mental)
  • Does the person have the same interests as me or is the person just indifferent?
To prevent any negative impression on your first meeting, especially in the professional field, let's look at the following tips!

Don't Be Afraid of E-Contact

Getting a Positive First Impression-Eye Contact
Some people fear when meeting new people one of them is when they have to see each other, it could be because of nervousness or not accustomed to staring at new people.

Unfortunately, this fear is precisely one way to get the first impression of the other person. It will be difficult to see the response of the other person if you continue to bow down throughout the conversation. A little eye contact will help give a first impression, as long as you don't have a wrong face. You see, there are several situations where eye contact actually backfires.

Usually eye contact is less desirable as a first impression by people who are not interested in being around you for a long time. But, if you dare to stare once or twice, it will be easy to identify the person's tendency.

A simple example, when you will work together, you can also get a first impression from the eyes of prospective partners. Whether the possibility of cooperation is greater or the other side is less interested in your offer.

Pay attention to Body Language

Getting a Positive First Impression- Body Language

The next tip is to maintain body movements or body language . Well, you are one who likes to be nervous when meeting people until trembling? Or like scratching your head when confused about choosing a word? You should start training to reduce body movements that are not too needed earlier.

Like holding or scratching your head tends to give the impression that you are confused, doubt about the answers you give, or do not know what to respond to.

There are also gestures that unwittingly damage your first impression, such as how to sit that is too relaxed or has a waist. Wow , if your interlocutor catches that movement you might get a bad impression.

Said the Directing Word

Getting a Positive First Impression
While in college there are almost no courses that teach you how to choose the right and professional words to use in the realm of work. Thesis language tends to be more rigid and academic, while to give a positive first impression requires words that are not just academic or just cool.

When you have entered the work phase, the language you use needs to be adjusted to the other person. Communicating with more senior leaders will certainly be different from the style of talking with teammates, let alone the leader you first met for serious discussion.

To get a more professional but dynamic narrative pattern and not seem to be patronizing, you can invite friends to do role plays. Also ask for advice from bosses who are more experienced in communication matters so that the first impression can be more positive.

Especially for interview sessions you should be able to choose diction that reflects that you are flexible enough, have the capability and a positive attitude . Avoid language that is too academic because you might be the other person you already know more about and experienced in the topic. Don't get the first impression you get, or even be good- nature.

Diligently Train Talk Tones

Getting a Positive First Impression- Talk Tones
To complete the language that has been more focused, so that the first impression you get positive also needs the right intonation. Intonation or tone of speech is quite influential in giving a first impression.

People who tend to speak in a high tone or place too much emphasis on the end of the sentence will leave an impression of not being confident or not knowing the answer.

People who have a tendency to talk fast are considered more confident, especially if you can fill sentences with words that are solid in meaning. You can practice and record your voice, pay attention to whether your sentence is sure or there are still many doubtful notes, also reduce the use of murmurs like " eh ", " umm ", "it seems".

Right Attire or Clothing

Getting a Positive First Impression- Right Clothes

Last tips, the clothes you use also affect the first impression . Saltum aka wrong costume should not happen to you, because the impression will be easily imprinted on the memories of the people you meet.

For example during an interview, if your clothes are striking with motifs that fill from top to bottom, surely the first eccentric impression will stick to you. If the industry you are going to enter can accept that uniqueness, it doesn't matter. Problems will arise if you apply for work in a conventional company whose staff even wear uniforms on certain days.

Keeping this first impression will indeed relate to daily habits for workers, both women and men. It could be unexpectedly that you have to meet with a client or an older leader and your clothes at that time are too relaxed, only polo shirts and jeans. To outsmart, you can provide a backup set of formal clothes in the office. So your clothes will not damage the first impression when you have an impromptu meeting.

After reading the tips above, it turns out that it is quite applicable and not difficult to give a positive first impression. So start paying attention to the style of speech, how to dress, to the choice of your words.

To give positive first impressions not only applies to the professional realm, you can apply the above tips for everyday interaction or anyone outside of professional relationships. Because it gives a positive first impression not just to attract the other person, but for the comfort and quality of yourself too.

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